Mac Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker

If you’re familiar with Unix and Linux systems, these commands probably all look familiar. In my case they are just commands that help set up my Java, Ant, Ruby, Maven, and JRuby environments. That way, each time I open a new Terminal window, everything is set up and ready to go for me. My Bash prompt definition. Terminal Commands Mac For Look Like A Hacker Terminal Mac Check For Hacker Xray Hack Minecraft Mac How To Hack Someones Skype Account Mac. 8/8/2020 Jun 18, 2019 This.

Maybe you have a reputation as something of a computer genius, or maybe you want people to think you already are. Hacking a computer requires knowledge about computer systems, network security, and code, so when people see what they think...

Using the Command Prompt

  1. Open the 'Run' function on your computer. You can do this by clicking the start menu and finding the 'Run' function, or you can do a general search of your computer for 'Run' and find it that way.
    1. Windows users can use hotkeys to open Run feature in two keystrokes: Win+R[1]
  2. dir
  3. ipconfig
  4. tree
  5. ping
    1. The Ping command checks if a device can communicate with another over a network (but the common person doesn't know that). Google is used as an example here, but you can use any site.
  • If you own an Apple computer, you can use the following safe commands to fill your screen with what looks like professional hacking. Input the following into your Terminal window to achieve that effect:
    1. top
    2. ps -fea
    3. ls -ltra
  • Alternate between commands and windows. You can open a few Command Prompt or Terminal windows, using various commands to make it seem as though you are performing several highly complex, unrelated processes at once.
  • Making a .bat File in Windows

    1. Open notepad. To make a .bat file, you will have to write plain text in a text editor and save it so that your computer reads this text as executable commands. Notepad or any other basic text editor will work to write a .bat file.
    2. Write the processes for your .bat file in notepad. The following text will open a window with green font, entitled 'Hack Window.' To change the title, you can change the entry following 'title' in your notepad file to your preference. The text '@echo off' hides the command prompt, while 'tree' will display a directory tree, making the hacking seem more realistic. The last line of text will ping google's server, which is not illegal yet looks like hacking to the untrained eye. Input the following text into your blank notepad document:
      1. color a
        title HACK WINDOW
        @echo off
        ping -t
    3. Save your document as a .bat file. When saving your file, you will need to select 'Save as.' In the prompted dialogue box, name your file and end your name with '.bat'. This will change your file from a text document to a batch file. Batch files contain text that gives your computer operating system a series of commands.[4]